Serving in the Philippines
Ministry Focus: Training Filipino pastors in expository preaching and church planting
Check out this great link, a book summarizing ten years of serving in the Philippines!
Ministry Overview
We are establishing a training center in association with The Master’s Academy International where Filipino pastors can be trained in expository preaching and church planting. With more than 50,000 untrained pastors in the country, the need is very great.In our first “unofficial” year, God has already brought more than 120 ministers through our classes for training. Our prayer is that God will provide more teachers to join our team so that we might train even more of God’s people and send them out to minister throughout the Philippines as well as into many other countries. With labor being the largest export of the Philippines, and more than 11 million Filipinos working in other countries at any given time, the opportunities to bring the gospel to more parts of the world are plentiful. Our vision is to send out Filipinos as tent-making missionaries who are biblically trained to plant churches and teach God’s Word to others.
Through an amazing act of God’s sovereignty, He has also opened the door for ministry to several families who literally live under a bridge that crosses the Marikina River in Manila. Since January of 2007, God has allowed us to establish regular Bible studies with these dear people and given us many opportunities to minister to their physical and spiritual needs and we are seeing people come to saving faith in Jesus Christ.
Prayer Requests
The Ransom Family
- We thank the Lord for His grace and ask for prays for His continued favor, good health and blessings.
- Pray for the Lord’s financial provision to keep our kids enrolled at Faith Academy
- Pray for the Lord to work out the grants and scholarships for our oldest son to start The Master’s College this August.
- Pray for Sean as he works on his thesis project towards a Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching.
The Expositor’s Academy (TEA)
- Pray for God’s leading as we continue to chart the course of our training ministry for the coming years.
- Please pray the Greene and Luciano families as they raise support to become TEA staff.
- Pray for the Oats and Kirkland families who are interested in our ministry and seeking God’s direction for their future ministry.
- Pray for others to partner with TEA in prayer and financial support.
TEA students
- Pray for our students who faithfully serve the Lord and His Church in poor areas in spite of the challenges of low pay and few resources.
- Pray that the principles for biblical interpretation and preaching would be clear to them, would be their convictions and that they would continue to grow in their abilities to apply those principles.
- Pray that our students would be godly and gracious influencers in the churches that they minister in.
- Pray that God would raise up qualified students for Master’s level studies and our preparations of those studies for the near future